Friday, February 24, 2012

These include ryzedronat (actonel) and calcitonin

Osteoporosis in men, if there were not enough for men to worry: osteoporosis,

bone-thinning condition once considered a disorder that affects only women

, now comes to light, as under-diagnosed condition in men. In fact, according to the National Endowment for osteoporosis, 2 million

American men have osteoporosis and another 12 million at risk

it. Men over age 50 actually at greater risk for osteoporosis-related fractures

, than they are for prostate cancer. Osteoporosis is largely attention of men for several reasons. Men

usually larger and stronger bones than women, by the time they

30, when peak bone density is achieved. Also, people do not feel

rapid thinning of bone in women after menopause. But as women, men

bones begin to gradually thin and cease to have effect after age

, 30. And bone density depends on heredity, diet, sex hormones, lifestyle

physical activity, and the use of certain medications. Thus, although people

have a leg up on women in peak bone density, they can continue

get in trouble if provided. smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low calcium intake and inadequate physical activity >>

<< prolonged use of steroids such as prednisone or cortisone for treatment

asthma, arthritis, anticonvulsant drugs, some cancer treatments, or

aluminum containing antacids

chronic kidney disease (including kidney stones)

lungs, stomach, intestine, and changing hormone levels

low testosterone. Men with one or more of these risk factors should talk to your doctor

their bone health. In addition, men with sudden back

pain, loss of height, or a change in posture should also talk to their lasix 5 mg doctors

, Status. To prevent osteoporosis, men (and women) can change bad habits

such as smoking and drinking, to participate in weight-bearing exercise, treatment

existing diseases that affect bone loss, and provide

adequate daily intake of calcium (1200 mg per day after 50 years) and

vitamin D (400 IU or at least 10 minutes of sunlight per day). While the treatment of osteoporosis in men is not well studied, >> << several options. Only alendronate (fosamaks) was approved

osteoporosis in men. However, it is perfectly legitimate and proper for doctors

use their judgment to men prescribe drugs that have been approved by

only for women. These include ryzedronat (Actonel) and calcitonin

(Miacalcin, Calcimar). While estrogen and estrogen-like drugs

used to treat osteoporosis in women, they are not used in men. As

more information is known about how people develop osteoporosis, more options >> << treatments available. December 2003 update. << >>

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